Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Honorable Mention Captains

Captain Hook

Didn't make the list purely because of an overwhelming fear of crocodiles and clocks.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Popular pirate and captain, however his inability to maintain control of his ship and crew is what ultimately doomed him.

Captain Underpants

Ummmm..... can someone get this guy some clothes?

Captain Obvious

Annoying as all get out, not even sure why we let him on the honorable mention list, he'll probably just point out really obnoxious shit.

Captain Marvel

The often forgotten DC comic super hero, what more can we say other than...."SHAZAM!"


Unknown said...

Dude, now I remember seeing this. I was shwasty yesterday. Good stuff.

Unknown said...

scratch that I saw the other Captain post. This one is good too. Not.